Only Jehovah

this past week has been full of unwanted drama and angst, fueled by the serpent of gossip in my daughter's school. it has spurred me to be more bold in reminding her that i am praying for her day, all of the days. and it reminded us both that only Jehovah is a faithful friend.

Psalm 136:4 says "Only Jehovah works great miracles. God's love never fails"

We know these things. We sing it in song, we recite the verses. But only when all else have fallen away do we really believe it. Only God is faithful, only He can carry us through, only He sees all that we are and all of our failures and LOVES US ANYWAY.

Only Jehovah.

this is a Nerine Bowdeniia, that is supposed to flower in autumn. God in His graciousness has given me one that blooms in December. enjoy!

also This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up


  1. So true- it's often in the tough times when the other things we depend on are taken away that we see God's faithfulness and know him helping us through. I love the photo of the flower! Visiting from FMF #14


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