Four days into the new year and i'm ready for a nap. The snow falling outside is giving me a two hour reprieve from some of the driving, and thinking through where the flashlights and candles are got me thinking of the oil lamp. Immediately the song from summer camp is in my head
"Give me oil in my lamp, keep it burning.
Give me oil in my lamp i pray
Give me oil in my lamp, keep it burning
Keep it burning till the light of day"The song is a reference to the story Jesus told in Matthew 25 of the five foolish and five wise women waiting for the bridegroom to come. The ones who did not bring oil with them were left out in the dark. So, what is the metaphor meant to teach me? Stock up on all my supplies? Schedule my day full of good works? What does the next line of the song say?
Sing Hosanna!
Sing Hosanna!
Sing Hosanna to the King of Kings!Psalm 59 tells me that God is my strength and my refuge. HE is the oil in my lamp, and He gives freely to all who ask. i might not get a nap today, but my lamp can still be full. Happy snow day, y'all!
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